
Wątek: [L2OFF] L2Dawn2 - IL x?? - START ??.??.????  (Przeczytany 1201 razy)

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[L2OFF] L2Dawn2 - IL x?? - START ??.??.????
« dnia: Marzec 03, 2020, 12:16:39 pm »
Nie wiem czy to odpowiedni dział, w każdym razie nie wszyscy używają Discord, nie wszyscy czytają forum Dawn, zatem poniżej wrzucam info od ChinaTown.

Kondolencje dla tych, co wierzyli do końca.. nie mniej ja widzę także pozytywne strony:
- jasna informacja, że żadnego L2Dawn2 nigdy nie będzie. Potencjalni gracze przestaną żyć w zawieszeniu czekając na mityczny serwer który nigdy nie powstanie. Od samego początku było widać, że ChinaTown nie ma czasu tego ogarnąć na poziomie jakiego by sobie życzył.
- pozostałe serwery Interlude prawdopodobnie na tym zyskają - uciekinierzy z L2Dawn będą szukać nowego "domu". Co już widać na Mordor - prawie 2 miesiące po starcie serwera zjawiają się nowe CP, które dotychczas nie znały tego serwera (imo z braku sensownej konkurencji to właśnie chyba Mordor zyska najwięcej w tej lub następnej edycji - alternatywy w zasadzie nie ma, albo ruskie zabocone serwery i full rmt, albo powroty niby to legendarnych serwerów na L2j).

Cytat: ChinaTown
W zeszłą niedzielę o 14:26
As you may know, L2Dawn is moving to a new direction and will aim to become an L2 Community page. Ever striving for perfection we will try to execute this as well as possible and beyond. We welcome you to visit our newly created suggestions section here on Discord and propose features and ideas of what you would like to have and see on our community page to help you when playing on other servers. Now since we are making something completely new and are not being weighed down by an already made technology, feel free to give us even the wildest ideas! We would like to hear from you!

Cytat: ChinaTown
W zeszły piątek o 18:33
Dear L2Dawn community,

After having explored all possible options and having exhausted all potential scenarios, we have come to a much undesired conclusion that launching the server at any reasonably near time is unfortunately not viable at the moment and therefore any plans or work toward achieving this are ceased.

This decision is influenced by several factors, listed below:
1) The current up to date extender poses several critical stability issues and does not work well with the rest of the original Dawn files. This leads to the project not matching the high quality standards that we always aim for. The issues are unexpected and not trivial and require a substantial amount of time in research and development, something that the current team cannot afford.
2) Switching back to 2016 L2off extender is impossible as its support is now discontinued and some of the core functionality may or may not be obsolete, quite simply we do not want to take chances.
3) As mentioned previously, the scale and the amount of work that is required to be done was not expected by the current team. We thought the old files to be completely fine when merged with the new engine and as such we were expecting to be able to take the old files, improve them and quite rapidly move on to making new software around them, such as the website, forum and various tools to allow faster administration. As a result, the current team and the project were not designed to address these deeply lying and server file specific problems and as such does not possess the required time, knowledge or motivation to deal with the game specific complexities.
4) During our time spent on Dawn 2 we have witnessed a considerable decline in the interest of this aging game. While that is to be expected, we have seen some quite remarkable and exceptional individuals as well as platforms and websites leaving the l2off community and going offline. This left us all the more stranded in terms of understanding problems and finding solutions to them.
I have seen quite a few posts of community members being unhappy with us not publishing any status updates. The reason for that is that we were stuck between the 1) and 2) points listed above and we were facing an impasse preventing us from making any significant progress, thus our lacking communication, as there was quite simply nothing to announce. As stated, in the meantime we have tried finding every possible solution to this problem until reaching the conclusion explained in this message.
We would like to wholeheartedly thank you for your precious time and presence on our community platforms. All is not lost, however. While L2Dawn 2.0 didn't come to be as a game server, thanks to you it allowed us to see how significant L2Dawn 1.0 was to all of us. We hope that you too will be able to find meaning and redeeming features in the journey that we walked together.
Thank you.
« Ostatnia zmiana: Maj 30, 2020, 08:22:51 pm wysłana przez Shanique »
Karan Gurth

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Odp: [L2OFF]L2Dawn2 - zapowiedź końca
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: Marzec 03, 2020, 02:17:53 pm »
"Legendarny" dawn i jego "upadek", no nikt się nie spodziewał, że chłop przez 2 lata nie będzie w stanie naprawić critical errorów przy FOI  :D