
Wątek: Goddess of Destruction - News  (Przeczytany 323966 razy)

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Odp: Goddess of Destruction - News
« Odpowiedź #125 dnia: Styczeń 31, 2011, 02:05:57 pm »
Szkoda, że od gapili pomysł od wowa  hahaha
Szkoda tylko, że każdy ma na to -_-'.


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Odp: Goddess of Destruction - News
« Odpowiedź #126 dnia: Styczeń 31, 2011, 02:57:29 pm »
PTS will be in march in Korea.
4th prof this merge curent profs in 8 new profs.
Sigil Knight: Phoenix Knight, Hell Knight, Eva's Templar, Shilien Templar
Tyr Warrior: Doombringer, Maestro, Duelist, Grand Khavatari, Titan, Dreadnought
Ohsel Log: Adventurer, Ghost Hunter, Wind Rider, Fortune Seeker
Feo Wizard:Archmage, Mystic Muse, Storm Screamer, Soultaker, SoulHound
Summoner: Arcana Lord, Elemental Master, Spectral Master
Archer: Saggitarius, Ghost Sentinel, Moonlight Sentinel, Trickster
Enchanter: Hierophant, Doomcryer, Dominator, Sword Muse, Spectral Dancer, Judicator
Healer: Cardinal, Eva's Saint, Shilien Saint

Quest on 4th (85 lvl )prof will be easer than on 2d and 3d prof and in end u'll get mount and cap.
Party members will be reduсed 9>7 ppl.
One subclass can be up till 99lvl and u'll can switch everywhere with reuse 5-10 min.
After get 4th prof old skills (76-) will be removed, and all oe on them too.
R-grade will be add with 5 new sets.
All races will be start in one locat

Tekie info trafiłem. Ale może to być jakieś błędne tłumaczenie koreańskiego newsa, bo nie bardzo się to kupy trzyma.

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Odp: Goddess of Destruction - News
« Odpowiedź #127 dnia: Styczeń 31, 2011, 03:41:23 pm »
4th prof this merge curent profs in 8 new profs.
Sigil Knight: Phoenix Knight, Hell Knight, Eva's Templar, Shilien Templar
Tyr Warrior: Doombringer, Maestro, Duelist, Grand Khavatari, Titan, Dreadnought
Ohsel Log: Adventurer, Ghost Hunter, Wind Rider, Fortune Seeker
Feo Wizard:Archmage, Mystic Muse, Storm Screamer, Soultaker, SoulHound
Summoner: Arcana Lord, Elemental Master, Spectral Master
Archer: Saggitarius, Ghost Sentinel, Moonlight Sentinel, Trickster
Enchanter: Hierophant, Doomcryer, Dominator, Sword Muse, Spectral Dancer, Judicator
Healer: Cardinal, Eva's Saint, Shilien Saint
taka unifikacja klas położy te grę na łopatki  :/
League of Legends EUNE - do odwołania

L2 EU -> Core - iDeepPain = Sigel Knight 9x (retired)
L2 EU -> Core - DeepPain = Feoh Wizard 8x z SLH (alt) (retired)
L2 EU -> Core - GreenZone = Iss Enchanter 8x (slave box) (retired)

L2 RU -> Lancer - DeepPain = Sigel Knight 85/Destroyer 75/SWS 75/Phantom Summoner 5x (retired)
Aion -> Spatalos - Deep = Templar 45 (retired)
L2 NA -> Bartz - DeepPain = Grand Khavatari 78 (retired)

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Odp: Goddess of Destruction - News
« Odpowiedź #128 dnia: Styczeń 31, 2011, 04:57:50 pm »
Party members will be reduсed 9>7 ppl.

Gozbar - Archer 89
Gozz - Warrior - 87
Morfeusz - Enchanter - 87

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Odp: Goddess of Destruction - News
« Odpowiedź #129 dnia: Styczeń 31, 2011, 06:13:18 pm »
Party members will be reduсed 9>7 ppl.
Po rto teraz robia jakeis bonusy na 9 osob zeby pozniej redukowac party do 7?
After get 4th prof old skills (76-) will be removed, and all oe on them too.
a co z np bufferami? nie maja buffow z 2 profek .... idz pan w chuj

Odp: Goddess of Destruction - News
« Odpowiedź #130 dnia: Styczeń 31, 2011, 06:22:12 pm »
Bonusy teraz najlepsze są jak masz 7 osób w pt, za 8 i 9 jest już mniej expa.

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Cytat: DiegoVargas

In Soviet L2, npc dialog reads you!

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Odp: Goddess of Destruction - News
« Odpowiedź #132 dnia: Luty 01, 2011, 01:46:56 am »
- Lot size of players has been reduced from 9 to 7 and the optimal composition is as follows: 1 tank, 4 player attacks an enchanters, 1 healer
Gimnazjaliści moderatorami forum. To smutne.

serv na max 2-3h mam all +16 i co dalej

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Odp: Goddess of Destruction - News
« Odpowiedź #133 dnia: Luty 01, 2011, 07:26:50 pm »
This is an interview from Inven game center to NCsoft.

Goddness of destruction will probably launch in Korea in Mid-March.


LvL 85 can start the quest. quest is not complicated, and will have alot of animation and tell the story.

the quest can allow player receive any 8 Giant power to awakening.

35 class is getting down to 8 (Fuck this)

class after awakening will be an extend of the class. (Liar.... at the end it will say skill before awakening will be deleted)

after awakening, you still able to use your 3rd class and before skill. (but the skill is too bad compare to awakening skill, so they probably will be forgotten)

awakening advantage
awakening character will have a special sign on their cloak and give them a specific ride (like the horse), this horse is different than the regular pet, they have a rush skill allow you to run uber fast.

after awakening, character can break through the race limit (for example, kamael can wear robe and use other weapon)

subclass awakening also can break through class limit. (for example, Orc can be Tank, dorf can be healer)

awakening character have advantage over move and port. can use short cut to port to some specific area. (like to any town)

8 awakening classes:

Sigel Knight

sigel knight has a special "spirit air system". it can improve teammate pdef within an area, and hate on mobs.

sigel knight can summon golden lion. this lion has it's own specific skills. and can be control.

spirit air system has different type and effect (for example, 1 of them can increase stun resist)

only 1 type of spirit air can be open at a time.

In the movie, we saw the tank can use a chain to root / shackle a target. they have a mass root/shackle skill too.

sigel knight can use a skill to share damage to a single teammate or the whole team.

in emergency, sigel knight can sacrified himself to make teh party invincible.

after awakening, knight can only wear heavy armor.

sigel knight will have different ability to interrupt different kind of cast/skill. (in the future, mob / player will show a bar to tell what kind of magic they doing. knight can use skill to block or interrupt it)

Tyr Warrior
Doom bringer, warsmith, glad, tyran, titan, warlord
these class can hold a weapon on each hand, and no weapon limit.
through the skill (warsmith use to buff), these class can improve teammate stats or weaken the enemy. also can effect the area.
beside rush impack, tyr warrior also can jump to a specific point to attack enemy.

tyr warrior can turn himself into a giant and attack the surrounding (WTF)

Othel Rogue
3 dagger class + BH

othel rouge has new throwing skill, can lure mobs from far away, and do major near physical damage.

there are many throwing skill (like 1 can be silent.....)

othel rouge can use many poison skill, can weaken enemy, also can improve party member. (like zerk??)

some speicial poison can incrase crit rate, but reduce running speed, and casting speed.

othel rouge can poison an area, and make the mob within it continuous losing HP.

othel rouge can change the hate ratio freely on any party member (like if a mob is attackign the healer, they can change the hate on the mob to attack a tank)

Hide skill improved. incrase hiding time and added some skill can use in Hide, mean you sitll hiding even you attack someone.

in a team fight, othel rouge can switch enemy target or aoe switch target.

othel rouge also have the cast / skill interrupt skill like tank.

in the movie, we saw they can clone themselves into few images. the image has lower pdef, but also use ss and use random skill (cannot be control). only way to find out, attack them and see who has lower pdef.

Feoh wizard

nuker + soul hound

Feoh nuker can use all 4 element attack.
they can change element if needed. and can use 2 hands to cast 2 different skill to attack enemy.

when a skill is changed element, the outlook also changed (like hurrican will change into an ice ball if SH change to water element)

Ultimate skill do not need to change element.

dual cast can be 1 hand do nuke, the other hand do debuff. or both hand do debuff to different target.

Foeh nuker has curse to reduce enemy mdef, aoe sleep, aoe empower skills.

Runic Summoner

summoner is a magic and curse class.

summoner can summon all class's summon now. (like cat, shadow, unicorn)

each pet can be control seperately.

there will be more pet to summon (like tank, magic, and physical pet)

beside summon, summoner also can do curse to reduce enemy mdef, to make magic attack maximum.

when summon tank pet, they also have the interrupt skill like regular Tank and dagger does.

summoner can lock enemy in a specific point then do curse to them.

in some specific condiction (like in the movie), summoner can do some continuous skill to attack. (those jumping cats)

summoner has 2 ultimate summon skill.
1, summon dimension gate - alot of summon jump out and do aoe attack.
2, summon a very powerful summon to help you. (no clue on this yet. maybe new pet, or the 3 pet groups)

Ur archer

can use bow or the new 2 hands bow (something like kamael weapon)

archer can summon a new tank pet (thunder bird / hunting eagle) to assist you.

this is the fastest running class after awakening.

archer can greatly improve aoe skill speed.

added auto assit system (WTF is this? walker?)

archer can put trap (like root, weaken)

archer can summon (something) to distract enemy.

archer will no longer require arrow. they can use different kind of arrow bowl (like increase crit rate bowl, or continuous drain hp bowl...also have 1 aoe bowl)

archer has lure skill now.

they also can transfer of hate like dagger.

if they get close range physical attack, there will be a close range specific bowl and skill to counter. (GG dagger)

Is enchanter
prophet, doomcryer, overlord, sws, bd, judicator

team assistant.

enchanter can learn amny different combo buff.

song/dance will turn into spirit air style.

IS enchanter has Overlord ability. can aoe buff and debuff.

enchanter use dual sword. have rush impact.

also have the judicator ability, can temporary increase team power.

only 1 spirit air can exist in the team, even there are 2 enchanters. (LOL, no more 4 box, just need 1 buffer now)

in emergency, enchanter can turn enemy into pig. (hex)

in emergency, enchanter also can turn teammate into special form to escape.

Eoh healer

healer can buff and heal.

healer can set a barrier within an area, so the mobs cannot get near.

healer can summon the tree of life. it removes debuff for party memember that go nearby.

healer can port to the tree in emergency.

healer can summon (some kind of spirit) to follow party member, it will auto heal that member.

healer has 1 very special ability. it can reset the buff/debuff time on a player for few second. (example, enemy's curse is almost out, healer can reset it back to still have like 10 second)

during solo, healer can summon the transform of light (lumy) to assit in combat. if healer summon this thing in a party, there will be healing penalty.

possible change:
soul houn and bh still considering what their class is.

other change:
still not sure how to settle the race problem

skill system still have more to add, like instant move, shackle in the air, punch down, mutli skills...)

when you open your skill window, it tell you what skill you can learn, and where you can learn.

both player and monster casting a spell or skill, there will be a bar to show the time like in the movie.

nuker will have 2 bars when doing dual cast.

(from developer leaked information, player still can learn skills before awakening, but once you awake, the previous skills will disappear)

they will reward those who ++ their skill in some way.

update special gift.

ncsoft is thinking to give player 1 chance to change their class for free when awakening. for example, a healer can turn into tank after awakening (class change)

team will reduce to max for 7 people.

auto replace teammate system.

like someone is going off, put up a LFP window, if someone is the same class as you, once you log, that player will auto summon to the group and replace you.

dual class.

1 sub can reach 99, and can change class no matter where (with a time cool down 5-10 minutes now)

switching class will remove all the buff. so this only work on party.

hunting area.

talking island will be the only newb village.

1-40 hunting detail, xp requirement, and quest all rework.

40-85 will change in xp requirement, and some new revamped hunting grounds to make xp easier.

in the future will add more raid boss like antharas/valaska...
(1 of them is the God of ancient Greece, the disease or some kind of that)

R stuff
R set so far have around 5 set
weapon will have some kind of new look (like the one summoner holding, the ball will turn)

robe also have some new look, like armor on the robe, no longer just a robe.

vitality system change
it will be able to do account base. you can decide to seperate into all characte in the account or just 1 person has it.

vit reset per week. and only for 200% (no more vit lvl)
vit will increase the drop rate also.

« Ostatnia zmiana: Luty 01, 2011, 08:04:07 pm wysłana przez Enix »

Cytat: DiegoVargas

In Soviet L2, npc dialog reads you!

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Odp: Goddess of Destruction - News
« Odpowiedź #134 dnia: Luty 01, 2011, 08:40:10 pm »
To teraz summonerzy będą od wszystkiego XD

Tyrteos: 80 lvl SM|75 lvl WC |DA 55 - Banned
Decimos: 82lvl PS|75 lvl WC |DA 70 -Śpi
Decimos: 7x lvl PS

[quote author=120130 link=topic=27483.msg306926#msg306926

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  • AD Carry
Odp: Goddess of Destruction - News
« Odpowiedź #135 dnia: Luty 01, 2011, 09:15:42 pm »
Tym razem jednak jestem rad z tego, że jesteśmy trochę w tyle za Koreą...

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Odp: Goddess of Destruction - News
« Odpowiedź #136 dnia: Luty 01, 2011, 09:22:26 pm »
- Lot size of players has been reduced from 9 to 7 and the optimal composition is as follows: 1 tank, 4 player attacks an enchanters, 1 healer
OMG... suuuper :)
No, chłopaki, komponujemy optymalne party - archer, nuker i melee :)

- nuker - OL, sws, bp, ee/se, 3x nuke/ES. sws dla championa i revivala, czy jak tam sie nazywają. Chyba lepsze od tańca concentration. No i odporność na uki :D
- archer - PP, BD, bp, ee, 3x archer/kamael, ew. kociarz
- melee - WC, bd, sws, bp, se/ee, kociarz, destro/tyrant. A sztyleciarze, kraski i innej maści glady czy kamele na drzewo :D

Tak, wiem,  to jeszcze nie teraz i będzie to zupełnie inaczej wyglądało.
Ale pomarzyć sobie chciałem :D

A te zmiany - moze mi sie spodobają :D A może nie. Bo skoro zlikwidują skille 76-, to oznacza utratę głównych bonusów PP - rezistów, Berseka. No bo co zostanie? Kombosy. Z drugiej strony PP z VRem, CoVem :) No coś za coś :)

Is enchanter
prophet, doomcryer, overlord, sws, bd, judicator

team assistant.

enchanter can learn any different combo buff.

song/dance will turn into spirit air style.

IS enchanter has Overlord ability. can aoe buff and debuff.

enchanter use dual sword. have rush impact.

also have the judicator ability, can temporary increase team power.

only 1 spirit air can exist in the team, even there are 2 enchanters. (LOL, no more 4 box, just need 1 buffer now)

in emergency, enchanter can turn enemy into pig. (hex)             <- OMG hahah Lubie to MastJedi[/b]

in emergency, enchanter also can turn teammate into special form to escape.     <- ooo, to też :)[/b]

A i tak zobaczymy, jak to będzie w praniu :)

« Ostatnia zmiana: Luty 01, 2011, 09:32:18 pm wysłana przez MastJedi »
Piszę poprawnie po polsku
Official/Retail NA serv.Hindemith->Phoenix->Chronos-> Naia
Heallweg Iss Enchanter 99 /Siegel Knight 99 /ElementalSummoner80/ HawkEye80  - Clan: Einheit (Nova) Ally: Twilight
Ponadto: Feoh; Aeore; Yul;

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Odp: Goddess of Destruction - News
« Odpowiedź #137 dnia: Luty 01, 2011, 09:49:13 pm »
Coś mi sie widzi ze sporo ludzi na privach będzie grało:P  hahaha
Gimnazjaliści moderatorami forum. To smutne.

serv na max 2-3h mam all +16 i co dalej

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Odp: Goddess of Destruction - News
« Odpowiedź #138 dnia: Luty 01, 2011, 10:47:51 pm »
- Lot size of players has been reduced from 9 to 7 and the optimal composition is as follows: 1 tank, 4 player attacks an enchanters, 1 healer
OMG... suuuper :)
No, chłopaki, komponujemy optymalne party - archer, nuker i melee :)

- nuker - OL, sws, bp, ee/se, 3x nuke/ES. sws dla championa i revivala, czy jak tam sie nazywają. Chyba lepsze od tańca concentration. No i odporność na uki :D
- archer - PP, BD, bp, ee, 3x archer/kamael, ew. kociarz
- melee - WC, bd, sws, bp, se/ee, kociarz, destro/tyrant. A sztyleciarze, kraski i innej maści glady czy kamele na drzewo :D

Tak, wiem,  to jeszcze nie teraz i będzie to zupełnie inaczej wyglądało.
Ale pomarzyć sobie chciałem :D

A te zmiany - moze mi sie spodobają :D A może nie. Bo skoro zlikwidują skille 76-, to oznacza utratę głównych bonusów PP - rezistów, Berseka. No bo co zostanie? Kombosy. Z drugiej strony PP z VRem, CoVem :) No coś za coś :)

Is enchanter
prophet, doomcryer, overlord, sws, bd, judicator

team assistant.

enchanter can learn any different combo buff.

song/dance will turn into spirit air style.

IS enchanter has Overlord ability. can aoe buff and debuff.

enchanter use dual sword. have rush impact.

also have the judicator ability, can temporary increase team power.

only 1 spirit air can exist in the team, even there are 2 enchanters. (LOL, no more 4 box, just need 1 buffer now)

in emergency, enchanter can turn enemy into pig. (hex)             <- OMG hahah Lubie to MastJedi[/b]

in emergency, enchanter also can turn teammate into special form to escape.     <- ooo, to też :)[/b]

A i tak zobaczymy, jak to będzie w praniu :)

Nie bedzie przeciez klas takich jak OL, DB, SWS, EE, SE itp Zamiast wc, bd i sws bedzie enchanter, ktory zbufuje i da songi/dance
Gozbar - Archer 89
Gozz - Warrior - 87
Morfeusz - Enchanter - 87

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Odp: Goddess of Destruction - News
« Odpowiedź #139 dnia: Luty 01, 2011, 11:28:53 pm »
tak i na wszystko mu many starczy :P
http://fpscs.net/?sid=339d13730fed9a68d80cf8eebf73ff78- polska sieć gry Counter Strike, zapraszam!!

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Odp: Goddess of Destruction - News
« Odpowiedź #140 dnia: Luty 02, 2011, 05:34:08 am »
tak i na wszystko mu many starczy :P
Jestes taki glupi czy tylko udajesz?

Własnie teraz to bd,sws i wc trzeba bedzie wybierac kogo zostawic w pt ;)

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Odp: Goddess of Destruction - News
« Odpowiedź #141 dnia: Luty 02, 2011, 08:22:19 am »
Już się nie mogę doczekać l2jotów GoD XD hahaha

Tyrteos: 80 lvl SM|75 lvl WC |DA 55 - Banned
Decimos: 82lvl PS|75 lvl WC |DA 70 -Śpi
Decimos: 7x lvl PS

[quote author=120130 link=topic=27483.msg306926#msg306926

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  • Lancer PW 85|Core GH 99/GS 99|
Odp: Goddess of Destruction - News
« Odpowiedź #142 dnia: Luty 02, 2011, 08:54:52 am »
masakra ....

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Odp: Goddess of Destruction - News
« Odpowiedź #143 dnia: Luty 02, 2011, 09:32:53 am »
Nie bedzie przeciez klas takich jak OL, DB, SWS, EE, SE itp Zamiast wc, bd i sws bedzie enchanter, ktory zbufuje i da songi/dance

Ooo, serio?

Tak, wiem,  to jeszcze nie teraz i będzie to zupełnie inaczej wyglądało.
Ale pomarzyć sobie chciałem :D

Piszę poprawnie po polsku
Official/Retail NA serv.Hindemith->Phoenix->Chronos-> Naia
Heallweg Iss Enchanter 99 /Siegel Knight 99 /ElementalSummoner80/ HawkEye80  - Clan: Einheit (Nova) Ally: Twilight
Ponadto: Feoh; Aeore; Yul;

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  • I dont necessarily agree with everything i say
Odp: Goddess of Destruction - News
« Odpowiedź #144 dnia: Luty 02, 2011, 01:06:18 pm »
w sumie to nie jest takie glupie, wc/sws/bd na statach bd ;p
Why should I take life so seriously? I just wanna do what I like to do being far from reality. This is my own world, I just wanna hear the music.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVvG_dy94LM NEW ONE!


WS - Rankar x5 DC 84
RPG - CLUB x15 SWM 85 / DC 85
RPG - CLUB x5 SD 84
DEX - Wrath x9 SD 85  
Reloaded x15 SD 83
eXistence x4 SD 78
Azarath x15 SD 78
Nanaki x15 SD  77
Celes x7 SD 77

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Odp: Goddess of Destruction - News
« Odpowiedź #145 dnia: Luty 02, 2011, 03:36:32 pm »
w sumie to nie jest takie glupie, wc/sws/bd na statach bd ;p

ciekawe będzie oly tym mutantem

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Odp: Goddess of Destruction - News
« Odpowiedź #146 dnia: Luty 02, 2011, 03:44:33 pm »
O ile wszystkie kolejne kroniki wprowadzały dla mnie świetne zmiany rozwijające ta gre to GOD to dla mnie krok wstecz i oznacza w moim wypadku powrót na privy

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Odp: Goddess of Destruction - News
« Odpowiedź #147 dnia: Luty 02, 2011, 03:56:38 pm »
To juz nie jest l2, nie jestem przeciwnikiem zmian, ale to calkowicie zmienia postac i zasady tej gry. Rozumiem nowe skille/lokacje/armory/questy, ale zmiksowac mojego kochanego glada z jakas kupa zieleni i jednoskrzydlym nielotem zakrawa na zamach stanu.

Odp: Goddess of Destruction - News
« Odpowiedź #148 dnia: Luty 02, 2011, 03:58:12 pm »
O ile wszystkie kolejne kroniki wprowadzały dla mnie świetne zmiany rozwijające ta gre to GOD to dla mnie krok wstecz i oznacza w moim wypadku powrót na privy

Bez obrazy, ale piszecie tak co każdą nową kronikę, póki na niej nie zagracie. :)

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Odp: Goddess of Destruction - News
« Odpowiedź #149 dnia: Luty 02, 2011, 04:04:19 pm »