"Right now its not pay2win"
That's how they get you.
Then it becomes semi p2w and ppl try to convince themselves it's not that bad.
Then it becomes full p2w and only remaining are p2w'ers and those weird casual people who play solely for the social aspect.
Is it the way Naia and Chronos allready have gone trough? I mean wheter you say it from that experience or not. I've never played on NCwest any official serv and now i keep trying to be optimistic about Ncwest classic BUT I guess theirs politic isn't gonna change in the matter So, Is Naia and Chronos allready full pay to win?
Yes, for years. Westerners have a lot of money so dropping 1,000 USD on an event is something they do. The top players do.
At first, NCWest was P2P with a subscription
When Goddess of Destruction launched, the game went F2P with a cash shop. Cash shop was mostly xp boosts.
then ...
Then, they introduced the Rudolph agathion, which for 7-10€ gave a permanent buff increasing AtkSpeed/Casting Speed/Speed after being summoned for ten minutes.
Having one in PvP was mandatory, especially for the speed boost.
In March 2012, they added the Power Shirt, which gave some bonuses
In the same month, you could also get Destruction Enchant Scrolls. Think Solid scrolls for weapon, up to +15
In June 2012, they added some lucky stones to increase the enchant rates, and a pack containing the item "Energy of Destruction". Said item was needed to upgrade a Talisman, and you were limited by daily quests ingame so you couldn't get more than 4 (and later 5) with the Lindvior update iirc.
In August 2012, they added the Elemental shirs, which have powerfull skills when enchanted to max
In september 2012 (if not before), they added the Rose servitor, which gives a powerfull buff to your whole party exactly like this one PA: Art of Seduction : You could not win any pvp without this buff. Using the buff required items, available only in the L2 Store.
In october 2012, you could simply buy regular enchant scrolls R-Grade via the store:
In November 2012 for Hallowe'en you could get Ancient scroll which has an improved success rate (+10%) and won't destroy your weapon nor reset your enchantment if it fails : You could also get Enchant scrolls for any grade in the classic November store update
Also in November 2012 with the Black Friday promotion, you could buy items boosting your whole party speed by 300 Silpheed's Blessing with potions increasing your P.Def and M.Def for 10 seconds (a liquid Ultimate Defense).
I personally believe that any server opened by NCWest suits their business model, with such "P2W" items. Are the devs to blame when there are so many players ready to spend money ingame ? Hell I myself bought some packs when playing on Naia still
Etykietka F2P to przekręt, socjotechnika , perfidny business na ludziach na których wszyscy wiemy jak działa lineage, im dłuzej siedzisz tym bardziej wciąga.
Tyle na temat tych serwerów w aspekcie dotowania. Kto zacznie niech lepiej dobrze skalkuluje, bo to będzie coraz głębszy worek bez dna.