
Wątek: Goddess of Destruction - Skills (z statystykami!)  (Przeczytany 96878 razy)

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  • Fluttershy <3
Goddess of Destruction - Skills (z statystykami!)
« dnia: Październik 09, 2011, 08:03:01 pm »
                  :elf_5_1::_delf_3_1:     :ork_1_2:

Korean retail info (stats) +na/eu (translate 96%) found and combined by Nehem.


Tyrr Warrior
Othell Rogue
Sigel Knight
Yul Archer

Feoh Wizard
Wynn Summoner
Aeore Healer
Iss Enchanter part 1 | part 2

na chwile obecna nie dam rady poprawić skilli, powód jest prosty: Warning: mysql_real_escape_string() expects parameter 2 to be resource, boolean given in /home2/lineagep/public_html/lineage2.com.pl/forum/Sources/Subs-Db-mysql.php on line 143 ale oczywiście kiedy problem zniknie poprawie każdy skill co został podany :>

@down dzięki za dobrą rade, trochę poprawie formę aby lepiej się czytało.

@mod/admin proszę nie kasować double postów i nie łączyć (ofc. dotyczy moich postów w tym temacie)

/A - plus za każdą opisaną klasę będę dodawał systematycznie.

« Ostatnia zmiana: Listopad 07, 2011, 07:11:09 pm wysłana przez Nehem »
... gram w wowa na Burning Onion ^_^

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Odp: Goddess of Destruction - Skills (z statystykami!)
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: Październik 10, 2011, 07:54:02 am »
 eeeee w takiej formie nikt tego czytał nie bedzie.


          Na tej stronie jest doslownie wszystko pogrupowane wystarczy podpiac i przepuscic przez translatora, strona na bieżąco aktualizowana.

  • Wiadomości: 111

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  • Fluttershy <3
Odp: Goddess of Destruction - Skills (z statystykami!)
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: Październik 10, 2011, 01:55:36 pm »

Aim - Increases Accuracy +3 and reduces the chance of receiving critical hits -3%
Mental Fortress - Increases M. Def. +18, P. Atk. +31, and M. Atk. +32
Fitness - Increases HP Recovery +1 and MP Recovery bonuses +1.
Unbind - Removes Poison/Bleed/Hold/Stun effects and renders the caster immune for a certain period of time 10s.


Swiftness - Increases Atk. Spd. +4 and Casting Spd. +3 Also increases Spd. +13 when not in combat.
Water Blessing - Increases Water Atk. +10, Water Resistance +10, and MP Recovery bonus +2.
Delicacy - Increases P. Critical Rate +15 and M. Critical Rate +10.
Prevision - Increases P. Evasion +30 and M. Evasion +30 for a certain period of time 15s.

Dark Elf

Dark Presence - Increases STR +1 and INT +1 at night.
Wind Blessing - Increases Wind Atk. +10 and Wind Resistance +10.
Life Siphon - Converts a certain amount of damage inflicted on an enemy into HP to restore the caster 1% vr.
Disparition - Cancels all your debuffs, increases your Spd. +30 for a certain period of time and makes you untargetable 5s.
Sharpness - Increases P. Critical Rate Power +208 and M. Critical damage +208.


Fire Blessing - Increases Fire Atk. +10 and Fire Resistance +10.
Energetic - Increases HP Recovery Bonus +3.
Undying Will - When the character's HP falls below a certain amount 20%, the caster becomes immune to damage for a certain period of time 5s. After the effect is activated, there is a delay before it can be reactivated again 5min cd.
Savage - Increases Atk. Spd. +17% and decreases P. Def. -15% for a certain period of time 60s.


Dexterity - Increases the power of attack skills +2%.
Earth Blessing - Increases Earth Atk. +10, Earth Resistance +10 and P. Def. +16.
Endurance - Reflects received physical damage back to an enemy +50% and restores a certain amount of HP +92 every second for a certain  period of time 5s.
Earth Tremor - Rocks the earth to knock nearby enemies to the ground (na 3sekundy).
oraz 3 summony takie jak: Summon Siege Golem , Summon Wild Hog Cannon , Summon Swoop Cannon   - wymagany 85lvl!


Battle Instinct - Increases PVP damage +1% and reduces the MP cost for skills -5%.
Dark Blessing - Increases Dark Atk. +10, Dark Resistance +10, Silence Resistance +20 and Fear Resistance +20.
Soul Protection - Defends against debuff attacks +100% for a certain period of time 20s.
Body Reinforcement - Transforms into ultimate combat form for a certain period of time 5min.
Flying Body Reinforcement - Transforms into ultimate combat flying form for a certain period of time.
« Ostatnia zmiana: Listopad 09, 2011, 02:57:30 am wysłana przez Nehem »
... gram w wowa na Burning Onion ^_^

  • Wiadomości: 111

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  • Fluttershy <3
Odp: Goddess of Destruction - Skills (z statystykami!)
« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: Październik 10, 2011, 01:58:43 pm »
Tyrr Warrior

Superior Weapon Mastery - Increases STR +2 and Atk. Spd. +25%, and also P. Atk. +376 and Accuracy +3 when using a sword / blunt weapon / spear. Allows an attack with spears on more targets at once, with a certain chance 50% of obtaining Lightning Force while performing critical attacks. The skill's reuse time resets or duration increases according to the character's STR.

Superior Dual Weapon Mastery - Increases STR +2 and also P. Atk. +376 and Accuracy +3 when using dual swords / dual blunts / fist weapons.

Superior Heavy Armor Mastery - Increases STR +2 and also P. Def. +104 when equipped with heavy armor.

Superior Light Armor Mastery - Increases STR +2, and also increases P. Def. +89 , Accuracy +3, Evasion +6 and Spd. +10 while reducing the chance of receiving critical -5% hits when equipped with light armor.

Superior Force Mastery - There is a chance of draining Force Energy (max 10) from an enemy during normal physical 20% attacks and critical hits 40%.

Superior HP Mastery - Increases STR +2, Max HP +606, CP +296, and HP Recovery bonuses +7.3, and also increases HP +7 / MP +3.7 Recovery bonuses when the player is sitting. Also increases P. Atk. +172 when the character's HP is below a certain amount 30%.

Superior Spirit Mastery - Increases STR +2 and resistances to Hold +30/Sleep +30/Bleed +30/Mental +30/Poison +30 attacks.

Superior Resistance - Increases STR +2, M. Def. +199 and resistances to the four major elements +20. Increases M. Def. (?) and elemental Def. (?) temporarily when the caster suffers damage.

Armor Destruction - Attacks an enemy  and weakens its defense. Also drains Force Energy. Power 11159-16601, 2sec cd, 50mp

Mega Strike - The higher the amount of Force Energy consumed , the greater the damage inflicted on an enemy (0 energy -20% dmg, 5 energy +30% dmg ). Power 15303-22179, 7s cd, 65mp

Power Bomber - Strikes an enemy powerfully to knock it to the ground 2s. The higher the amount of Force Energy consumed, the greater the damage inflicted on an enemy, and less damage is inflicted when there is no Force Energy left (0 energy -20% dmg, 5 energy +30% dmg ). Power 20483-30343, 30s cd, 84mp

Hurricane Blaster - Attacks an enemy and drains its Force Energy. Power 551-757, 1s cd, 58mp

Rain of Fire - Attacks nearby enemies to Stun them 2s and cancel their targeting. It is weaker when swords / blunt weapons / fist weapons are used -10% dmg, and deals the greatest damage with spears +50% dmg.Power 11557-16747,  5cd 122mp

Giant Punch - Strikes the ground with a mighty fist to knock nearby enemies  to the floor. Must be equipped with dual swords / two-handed weapons / spears / fist weapons. 120s cd, 76mp

Hurricane Rush - Shoulder charges an enemy and Stuns it 3s. 15s cd, 38mp

Rolling Thunder - Envelopes the caster in a whirlwind of energy. Lowers the HP of nearby enemies. Toogle skill

Jump Attack - Attacks nearby enemies by jumping at them to reduce their Spd. -70%  Damage inflicted on an enemy is proportional to the amount of Force Energy consumed. Power 10508-14600, 5s cd, 111mp

Final Force - Restores HP 35% and CP 15% instantly upon casting, and also increases the Max HP +35% and CP +15% for a certain period of time 120s. 120s cd, 43mp

Power Provoke - Provokes a nearby target to lure it to the caster, increasing its P. Atk. ? and Atk. Spd. ?, while reducing its P. Def ?. 10s debuff, 4s cd, 76mp

Lightning Disarm - Disarms nearby enemies for a certain period of time 5s and lowers their P. Atk. -10% and M. Atk. -10%. 120s cd, 92mp

Berserker Rage - Pushing the body to the limit increases Debuff Resistance ? / Spd. ? / P. Atk. ? / P. Accuracy ? / Atk. Spd. ? / Critical Damage ?, and restores the character's HP 20% when an enemy is dead. When HP falls below a certain amount 60%, it increases P. Atk. +10% and Critical Rate +100, and when HP falls further 30%, it again increases P. Atk +30%. and critical rate +300. Can be used when the character's HP falls below a certain amount 60%. 5min cd, 38mp

Infinity Strike - Strikes a target with a powerful blow. Power 34026, cd 10min, 220mp

Force of Nature - Maximizes the character's Force Energy. +10 force energy, 60s cd, 38mp

Reduce Anger - Lowers the aggression of nearby enemies toward the user. 30s cd, 76mp

Giant Barrier - Increases Spd. +30%, cancels any debuffs on the caster, and the caster also becomes immune to all normal attacks, skills, and debuffs from nearby enemies for a certain period of time 10s. Can be used when the character's HP falls below a certain amount 20%.

Force Charge - Consumes own HP continuously to recharge Force Energy. Toogle skill o.O

Sonic Star - Attacks nearby enemies with lightning speed. Power 21958-23344, cd 10min, 390mp

Hurricane Storm - Attacks the area around an enemy. It is weaker when swords / blunt / fist weapons are used -10%, and deals the greatest damage with spears +50%. Power 11557-16747, cd 10s, 161mp

Brave Spear - Increases general 30-45%/skill attack 5-20% damage during PVP and the effect of skills for a certain period of time 60s. 5min cd, 143mp.

Feral Bear Cry - Shouts loudly to use the power of the bear. Increases the power of P.Atk. +30% and damage from critical hits +30% for a certain period of time 5min. 30s cd, 38mp

Feral Ogre Cry - Shouts loudly to use the power of the ogre. Increases own P.Atk. +35% / P. Def. +35% / M. Def. +35% / Critical Damage +35 and Max HP +10% for a certain period of time 5min. 30s cd, 38mp

Feral Puma Cry - Shouts loudly to use the power of the puma. Increases own Accuracy +10 and Atk. Spd. +30% for a certain period of time 5min. 30s cd, 38mp

Feral Rabbit Cry - Shouts loudly to use the power of the rabbit. Increases own Atk. Spd. +30%, Spd. +35%, and Evasion +15 for a certain period of time. 5min. 30s cd, 38mp

Feral Hawk Cry - Shouts loudly to use the power of the hawk. Increases own Accuracy +8, Critical Attack Rate +120, and Critical Damage +30% for a certain period of time. 5min. 30s cd, 38mp

Spirit of the Hunter - Increases the P. Atk. +45% toward insects/plants/animals for a certain period of time 20min. 30s cd, 38mp

Spirit of the Slayer - Increases the P. Atk. +45%  toward monsters / magic creatures / Giants / dragons for a certain period of time 20min. 30s cd, 38mp

Power Revival - Restores HP completely. 10min cd, 38mp

Tyrr Force - Increase party critical chance by 5% except Tyrr Warrior. 5s cd
... gram w wowa na Burning Onion ^_^

  • Wiadomości: 111

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  • Fluttershy <3
Odp: Goddess of Destruction - Skills (z statystykami!)
« Odpowiedź #4 dnia: Październik 10, 2011, 02:01:33 pm »
Othell Rogue

Superior Dagger Mastery - Increases STR +2 and also P. Atk. +344, Atk. Spd. +25%, and Vital Spot Attack Rate +5% when equipped with a dagger. The skill's reuse time resets or duration increases according to the character's STR.

Superior Dual Dagger Mastery - Increases STR +2 and P. Atk. +344 when using dual daggers.

Superior Light Armor Mastery - Increases STR +2 , and also increases P. Def. +89 and Evasion +15 while reducing the chance of suffering critical hits when equipped with light armor -35%. There is a 10% chance of Atk. Spd. / Vital Spot Attack Rate increasing whenever an enemy attack is evaded.

Superior Movement - Increases STR +2 and also HP +7/MP +3.7 Recovery bonuses when the user is sitting. Evasion +7, Spd. +17, and HP +7/MP +2.6 Recovery bonuses increase when the user is running, and when HP falls below a certain amount 30% Evasion is also increased +17.

Superior Critical Mastery - Increases STR +2, Critical Damage +539 and Critical Rate +60%.

Superior Spirit Mastery - Increases STR +2 and resistances +30 to Hold/Sleep/Bleed/Mental/Poison attacks.

Superior Resistance - Increases STR +2, M. Def. 199, and resistances +20 to the four major elements. Increases M. Def. ? and elemental Def. ? temporarily when the caster suffers damage.

Death Time - Increases P. Atk. +200, and further increases P. Atk. ?/ Critical Rate ?/ Critical Damage ?/ Vital Spot Attack Rate ? when Shadow Flash is used.

Blood Stab - Attacks an enemy from behind aiming for its vital spot, inflicting additional Bleed damage. Half-kill possible. Power 18329-26747, cd 5s, 59mp

Heart Breaker - Attempts a powerful vital spot attack by stabbing the heart. Increases Spd +40. Half-kill possible. Power 19404-28136, 5s cd, 67mp

Chain Blow - Inflicts great damage by attacking a bleeding spot repeatedly. Can be used only when an enemy is bleeding. Half-kill possible. Power 20653-30651, 5s cd, 71mp.

Reverse - Attempts to strike a vital spot. Lethal strike and Half-kill possible. Power 21933-32480, 5min cd, 90mp.

Dagger Explosion - Explodes a blade to shower enemies in front with sharp fragments. Power 11903-17244, 10s cd, 125mp

Razor Rain - Showers nearby enemies with a rain of blades. Power 13649-18929, 10s cd, 138mp

Dark Paralyze - Seals a target with the power (10s) of darkness to slowly render it immobile, eventually paralyzing it (5s). 120s cd, 38mp

Shadow Chase - Moves the caster to the back of a target to cancel its targeting and Stun it. 15s cd, 38mp

Shadow Hide - The user becomes hidden, any debuffs and Hold effects on the caster are removed, and an enemy's aggression toward the caster is reset. While hidden, Spd. -20% decreases while HP Recovery bonus increases. 3min cd, 38mp

Final Ultimate Evasion - Increases Evasion +60, physical skill Evasion Rate 40%, and debuff resistance ?% for a certain period of time 30s. There is a chance of canceling an enemy's targeting when the caster suffers damage 40%.

Poison Zone - Sprays poison on a nearby target to poison it and reduce its Spd / P. Atk. and Shield P. Def for 15s. 15s cd, 76mp

Cross Counter - Evades all physical attack skills and reflects all damage back to an enemy for a certain period of time 10s. 3min cd, 42mp

Shadow Dash - Increases Spd. +40, Evasion +10 and HP Recovery bonus +10 for a certain period of time 15s. 60s cd, 38mp

Mischief - Tricks a target out of attacking an opponent of highest aggression, and also reduces its Spd. -30%. 60s cd, 38mp

Mass Trick - Cancels the targeting of enemies in front of the caster, and prevents them from targeting anyone for a certain period of time 3s. 60s cd, 92mp

Shadow Fake Death - Feigns death, tricking monsters to stop them attacking the caster. The caster cannot be targeted while lying on the ground. Toogle 20mp/tick

Shadow Flash - Moves the caster to the back of a target to cancel its targeting and Stun it. Also increases the critical damage inflicted on the target. 5min cd, 71mp

Angel of Death - Increases Spd. +30 , Evasion +40, Skill Evasion 40%, Critical Attack Success Rate +40%, and debuff resistance 80% temporarily, and imbues the caster with the Poison Paralyze effect which paralyzes any enemy who attacks the caster. 10min cd, 45mp

Shadow Illusion - Melts into a target's shadow and summons an illusion to attack it. 10min cd, 38mp

Scorpion Poison - Injects poison during normal attacks that increases an enemy's vulnerability to critical hits. 5min cd, 39mp

Throwing Dagger - Throws a dagger at an enemy and reduces its Spd. -80% for a certain period of time 10%. Power 7396-10662, 45s cd, 71mp

Throwing Sand - Throws poisonous sand at a target to lure it toward the caster, and significantly reduces its Accuracy -? for a certain period of time ?. 60s cd, 38mp

Throwing Poison Needle - Throws a poison needle at a target to interfere with its casting. 15s cd, 38mp

Maximum Critical - Increases the power of critical attacks 609 for a certain period of time 20s. Lowers the rate of frontal critical attacks -30%, but raises the rates of side +30% and rear critical attacks +60%. There is a chance 50% of inflicting maximum critical damage when a critical attack occurs.

Silent Step - Protects from pre-emptive attacks from monsters, but MP is consumed continuously. P. Def. decreases -20%, but Spd. increases +20%. Toogle skill

Uppercut - Strikes an enemy powerfully to knock it to the ground 2s. 30s cd, 40mp

Plunder - Seizes an item from a target. 10s cd, 38mp <-- new spoil !?

Kick - Kicks a target powerfully to knock it back. 60s cd, 38mp
Othell Force - As long as Othell Rogue equipped melee weapon increase party attack speed by 5% except Othell Rogue. 5s cd
... gram w wowa na Burning Onion ^_^

  • Wiadomości: 111

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  • Fluttershy <3
Odp: Goddess of Destruction - Skills (z statystykami!)
« Odpowiedź #5 dnia: Październik 10, 2011, 03:10:29 pm »
Sigel Knight

Superior Sword / Blunt Mastery - Increases STR +2 and also P. Atk. +205 when using a sword / blunt weapon. Increases aggression of the target toward the user in proportion to the amount of damage inflicted by swords / blunt weapons +60%. The skill's reuse time resets or duration increases according to the character's STR.

Superior Heavy Armor Mastery - Increases STR +2, and also increases P. Def +315 and MP Recovery bonus +8.4 and reduces critical damage received -35% when equipped with heavy armor. In addition, some of the damage received is returned to the attacker 10%, and P. Def +280, as well as Evasion +17, are further increased when the character's HP falls below a certain amount 30%.

Superior Shield Mastery - Increases STR +2 and Shield P. Def. Success Rate +100%. When shield defense is successful 80%, Shield P. Def increases +209, and then increases further by a certain amount. Enables shield defense of attacks from all directions.

Superior Magic Resistance - Increases STR +2, M. Def +158. and resistance to magic attacks 25%. Further increases M. Def. and elemental Def. temporarily when the user suffers additional damage.

Superior Trait Resistance - Increases STR +2 and resistances +20 to Hold/Sleep/Paralyze/Mental/Poison/Bleed/Shock attacks, with a certain chance of reflecting abnormal physical or magical states back to an enemy.

Last Patience - There is a chance of Skill Power and Shield P. Def increasing when the user suffers damage.

Superior Elemental Mastery - Increases STR +2  and resistances to all elements +20.

Gust Blade - Attacks enemies in front. Requires a sword / blunt equipment to be equipped. Power 10314-15298, 7s cd, 121mp

Chain Galaxy - Attacks nearby enemies and decreases the effect of HP Recovery magic they receive -90%. Power 14300-20666, 10s cd, 159mp

Chain Strike - Drags a target in front of the user. 10s cd, 58mp

Chain Hydra - Drags a target, as well as enemies around the target, in front of the user. 45s cd, 123mp

King of Beasts - Summons a Lion of Light to inflict great damage on enemies near and in front of the caster. Power 60000-70000, 10min cd, 136mp

Superior Hate - Provokes a selected target and forcibly changes its targeting to attack the caster instead. 5s cd, 0mp

Superior Hate Aura - Provokes all enemies within a certain range of the caster to have them all target the caster. 10s cd, 0mp

Summon Golden Lion - Summons a golden lion to fight alongside the caster. 30s cd, 154mp

Summon Knight Cubic - Summons a Knight Cubic. The summoned cubic removes all debuffs from the caster. 30s cd, 96mp

Final Ultimate Defense - Increases P. Def. +4000-10000 and M. Def. +4000-10000, limits damage received to a fixed value 300-100, and returns some of the received damage 40%-100% back to the attacker for a certain period of time 300-100 attacks. Also increases resistance to buff canceling attacks 80%. 15min cd, 58mp

Noble Sacrifice - The caster takes some of the damage received 60%-90% by the selected party member for 10s. 60s cd, 60mp

Protection of Faith - Increases P. Def. +5000-10000, M. Def. +5000-10000, and resistance to debuff attacks +50% of all party members, and the caster take some of the damage 90% received by party members for 15s. 15min cd, 127mp

Spike Shield - Returns some of the received physical melee damage 35%-50% back to the attacker, additional there is 50% chance to reflect magic damage for 10s. 60s cd, 20mp

Ignore Death - The caster's HP does not fall below a certain value for 10s. 30min cd, 38mp

Rescue - Drags a party member toward the caster, and the caster takes some of the damage the party member receives 90%. Also, the damage received by the caster is limited to a fixed value for 15s. 10min cd, 96mp

Night Frenzy - Increases P. Def. +50%-120%, M. Def. +50%-120% and Spd. +10-30, and also Accuracy +4-10 and Atk. Spd. +10%-25% when using a sword / blunt weapon. In addition, Critical Rate increases +30-60 when a sword is equipped, and Critical Damage increases +30%-60% when a blunt weapon is equipped. 10min cd, 20mp

Shield Charge - Uses a shield to attack a selected target with boosted power. Also reduces P. Def. -10% and P. Evasion -2, and increases P. Critical Damage +10% inflicted on the target. Power 10821-15708, 6s cd, 53mp

Last Judgment - Attacks a selected target and reduces its Spd. -30% Requires a sword / blunt weapon to be equipped . Power 13673-19812, 6s cd, 64mp

Justice Punishment - Attacks a selected target and reduces its P. Atk. -20% / M. Atk. -20% and blocks an enemy's use of magic for a certain period of time. Requires a sword / blunt weapon to be equipped. Power 17476-25884, cd 7s, 80mp

Shield Impact - Attacks enemies in front and Stuns them for 1s. Requires a shield to be equipped. Power 9870-13997, 10s cd, 49mp

Shield Wave - Attacks enemies in front and Stuns them for a certain period of time 9s. Requires a shield to be equipped. Power 10174-14126, 60s cd, 59mp

Focus Shield - Enables shield defense of attacks from all directions (+35%-50% ?), and increases P. Def. +350-500 and Shield P. Def. +700-1000. Toogle skill

Rage Aura - Increases P. Atk. +10%, Atk. Spd. +10% and Spd. +10 when using a sword / blunt weapon. Aura effects cannot be stacked, and party members can only have one aura at any time. Toogle skill

Challenge Aura - Increases P. Atk. +5%, Atk. Spd. +5%, and also increases aggression of enemies toward the caster and reduces MP cost for skills -20% when a sword / blunt weapon is equipped. Aura effects cannot be stacked, and party members can only have one aura at any time. Toogle skill

Iron Aura - Increases P. Atk. +5%, Atk. Spd. +5%, and also increases P. Def. +215, Shield P. Def. +50%, Shield Defense +100% and resistances to bow/crossbow +20% and reduces critical damage received -15% when equipped with heavy armor. Aura effects cannot be stacked, and party members can only have one aura at any time. Toogle skill

Resist Aura - Increases P. Atk. +5%, Atk. Spd. +5%, M. Def +10%. and resistances to elemental attacks +20. Aura effects cannot be stacked, and party members can only have one aura at any time. Toogle skill

Recovery Aura - Increases P. Atk. +5%, Atk. Spd. +5%, physical abnormal state and debuff resistance +20%, as well as HP Recovery from healing and HP Recovery bonus +10%. Aura effects cannot be stacked, and party members can only have one aura at any time. Toogle skill

Sigel Force - Increases the P. Atk. +6% of all party members who are not Sigel Knights and equipped with melee weapons.

Spirit Aura - Increases P. Atk. +5%, Atk. Spd. +5%, magical abnormal state and debuff resistance +20, as well as MP Recovery from healing +10% and MP Recovery bonus +10%. Aura effects cannot be stacked, and party members can only have one aura at any time.
« Ostatnia zmiana: Październik 10, 2011, 09:19:13 pm wysłana przez Nehem »
... gram w wowa na Burning Onion ^_^

  • Wiadomości: 111

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  • Fluttershy <3
Odp: Goddess of Destruction - Skills (z statystykami!)
« Odpowiedź #6 dnia: Październik 10, 2011, 05:30:01 pm »
Yul Archer

Tornado Shot - Attacks enemies in front with penetrating strikes. Requires a bow/crossbow to be equipped. Power 20814-30336, 7s cd, 98mp

Superior Bow / Crossbow Mastery - Increases STR+2  P.Atk +1316 and also Atk. Spd. attack rate by 12% when using a bow/crossbow. The skill's reuse time resets or duration increases according to the character's STR. Also, P. Def. and Evasion increase when the character's HP is below a certain amount.

Superior Light Armor Mastery - Increases STR +2, and also increases P. Def. +89 , Evasion +7 and MP Recovery bonus +10% while reducing the chance of receiving critical -35% hits when equipped with light armor.

Superior Hawkeye Mastery - Increases range +500 and Max MP +25% and reduces the MP cost for skills -30% when using a bow.

Superior Survival Ability - Increases STR +2, Spd. +17 and Weight Limit +50%, reduces terrain damage -30%, and triggers Survival Movement automatically when critical hits occur while attacking normally with a bow/crossbow for 30s.

Superior Trait Resistance - Increases STR +2 and resistances +20 to Hold/Sleep/Paralyze/Mental/Poison/Bleed/Shock attacks, and reflects abnormal physical or magical states to an enemy.

Superior Critical Arrow - Increases STR +2, P. Accuracy +8 , Critical Rate +25%, and Critical Damage +774. Increases skill mastery's chance of triggering +1000%.

Superior Magic Resistance - Increases STR +2 and M. Def. +199 Further increases M. Def. and elemental Def. temporarily when the character suffers damage.

Superior Elemental Resistance - Increases STR +2 and resistances to all elements +20.

Bow Strike - Attacks an enemy nearby and pushes it back. Requires a bow/crossbow to be equipped.  Power 2681-3855, 5s cd, 60mp

Quick Shot - Attacks a ranged enemy. Requires a bow/crossbow to be equipped. Power 15634-23435, 7s cd, 79mp

Pin-Point Shot - Aims for a ranged enemy's vulnerable spot to attack it while ignoring its P. Def. -30% Requires a bow/crossbow to be equipped. Power 22198-32277, 10s cd, 117mp

Impact Shot - Fires an arrow at an enemy to Stun for a certain period of time 9s. There is also a chance of canceling its targeting. Requires a bow/crossbow to be equipped. Power 9947-14183, 60s cd, 98mp

Recoil Shot - Fires an arrow at a target and pushes it back. There is a chance of canceling an enemy's targeting. Requires a bow/crossbow to be equipped. Power 24888-29583, 30s cd, 102mp

Multiple Arrows - Launches a volley of arrows long distance that attack a target in front, as well as enemies around it. Requires a bow/crossbow to be equipped. Power 23391-34781, 7s cd, 124mp

Heavy Arrow Rain - Showers a target and enemies around it with a rain of arrows. Requires a bow/crossbow to be equipped. Power 22526-32724, 15s cd, 125mp

Quick Evasion - Moves the caster back instantaneously 300-450. 15s cd, 27mp

Quick Charge - Moves the caster forward instantaneously 500-800. 30s cd, 41mp

Lure Shot - Attracts an enemy's attention. 30s cd, 77mp
Shift Shot - Transfers the aggression of nearby enemies toward the caster to another party member. Used on party members only. 60s cd, 85mp

Support Fire - Attacks a target within the selected range. Power 120000, 10min cd, 219mp

Starshell - Fires a star shell that enables detection of any hidden enemies or traps near the caster. Requires a bow/crossbow to be equipped. 20s cd, 70mp

Remote Control - Remotely controls a trap to set it off. 10s cd, 10mp

Confusion Decoy - Summons a decoy that distracts an enemy and is attacked instead. 10min cd, 60mp

Summon Thunder Hawk - Summons a Thunder Hawk. 60s cd, 123mp

Final Ultimate Evasion - Increases Physical Evasion +60-90, Magical Evasion +60-90, physical skill Evasion Rate 80%-95%, magical skill Evasion Rate 20%, and debuff resistance +95% for a certain period of time 30s. There is a chance of canceling an enemy's targeting when the caster suffers damage. 15min cd, 58mp

Quick Fire - Increases Atk. Spd. 50%-200% and decreases P. Atk. 15% when using a bow/crossbow for 20s. 2min cd, 39mp

Mind Eyes - Opens the inner eyes to increase Accuracy 25-40, Critical Rate 200-250 and Critical Damage 70%-130% for 60s. 10min cd, 54mp

Camouflage - Blends into the environment to hide and move at a reduced Speed -30% for 30s. 2min cd, 9mp

Flash - Increases Spd. +50 for a certain period of time 5s, cancels the targeting of nearby enemies, and avoids being targeted by them. 60s cd, 77mp

Yul Force - Increases the Casting Spd. +3% and MP Recovery bonus +50% of all party members who are not Yul Archers.

Slow Shot - Attacks a target and reduces its Spd -30%. Requires a bow/crossbow to be equipped. Power 9338-13664, 30s cd, 94mp

Time Bomb - Plants a time bomb on a target that explodes after a certain period of time 10s to inflict damage. Accuracy decreases -10 while the skill is in effect. Power 30000, cd 15s, 66mp

Frost Trap - Sets a Frost Trap. A Frost Trap decreases an enemy's Spd. / Atk. Spd. / Casting Spd. 45s cd, 39mp

Gravity Trap - Sets a Gravity Trap. A Gravity Trap immobilizes an enemy. 45s cd, 39mp

Lock On - Lowers the resistance to bow/crossbow attacks -40%-60% and M. Def. -5%-25% of a target. 10s cd, 20mp

Multiple Lock On - Lowers the resistance to bow/crossbow attacks -60% and M. Def. -25% of a target and enemies around it. The target explodes after a certain period of time and sustains heavy damage. 3min cd, 93mp

Siege Fire Stance - Increases P. Atk., skill power, Critical Damage by +25%-40% and Accuracy +4, but decreases Atk. Spd. -10% and Spd -20%. when using a bow/crossbow.

Rapid Fire Stance - Increases Atk. Spd. +20%-35% and Spd. +20-35 but decreases skill reuse time -20%-40%, Accuracy -6 and P. Atk. -20%. Increases Accuracy when attacking in succession.

Sniper Stance - Increases Accuracy +6-9, range +100-250 and Critical Rate +20%-35%, but decreases Atk. Spd. -20% and Spd. -20% when using a bow/crossbow. Gives additional effects when using Pin-Point Shot.
... gram w wowa na Burning Onion ^_^

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Odp: Goddess of Destruction - Skills (z statystykami!)
« Odpowiedź #7 dnia: Październik 10, 2011, 08:29:08 pm »
Feoh Wizard

Superior Weapon Mastery - Increases P. Atk. +83, M. Atk. +104 and Casting Spd. +23% The skill's reuse time resets or duration increases according to the character's INT.
Superior Robe Mastery - Increases P. Def. +72 when equipped with robes.
Superior Anti Magic - Increases INT +2, M. Def. +139 and resistance to magic attacks +35%, with a certain chance of M. Def. and elemental Def. further increasing for a certain period of time when the character receives damage.
Superior Sigil Mastery - Increases M. Atk. +5% and MP Recovery bonus +20% when equipped with a Sigil.

Superior Wizard Mastery - Increases INT +2, M. Atk., Casting Spd., M. Critical Rate +6% and reduces the MP cost for skills -6%.

Superior Resist Attribute - Increases INT +2 and resistances +30 to Hold/Sleep/Mental/Poison/Bleed attacks.

Superior Quick Recovery - Increases INT +2 and reduces the reuse time for skills -25%.

Superior MP Boost - Increases INT +2 and Max MP +313.

Superior Fast MP Recovery - Increases INT +2 and MP Recovery bonus +3.6.

Superior Clear Mind - Increases INT +2 and increases the MP Recovery bonus while the character is standing +5.1 still or walking +6.5.

Superior Arcane Lore - Increases INT +2, M. Atk +5%. and resistances to the four major elements +20.

Fire Stance - Bestows the property of Fire to magic spells cast.

Water Stance - Bestows the property of Water to magic spells cast.

Wind Stance - Bestows the property of Wind to magic spells cast.

Earth Stance - Bestows the property of Earth to magic spells cast.

Elemental Spike - Inflicts a target with magical damage imbued with the properties of the four major elements. Additionally, it decreases the target's Elemental Resistances according to the elemental stance. Power 121-143, 2s cd, 45mp

Elemental Crash - Inflicts a target with magical damage imbued with the properties of the four major elements. Additionally, Fire inflicts Fear, Water decreases Spd., Wind causes Knock Back, and Earth causes Hold. Power 144-171, 2.4s cd, 53mp

Elemental Destruction - Inflicts a target with magical damage imbued with the properties of the four major elements. Power 356-428, 6.7s cd, 125mp

Death Breath - Decreases a target's HP continuously for a certain period of time 15s. Power 480-537, 16.7s cd, 68mp

Death Lord - Attacks a target to inflict continuous damage 25-100, and absorbs some 100% of the damage inflicted as HP for a certain period of time 10s. 20s cd, 68mp

Death Howl - Attacks nearby enemies to push them back. Power 126-146, 15s cd, 204mp

Elemental Blast - Inflicts a target and enemies around it with magical damage imbued with the properties of the four major elements. Power 191-227, 6.7s cd, 213mp

Elemental Storm - Inflicts a target and enemies around it with magical damage imbued with the properties of the four major elements. Power 238-286, 6.7s cd, 264mp

Wizard Spirit - Increases M. Atk. +20%, M. Critical Rate +50%-60%, P. Def. +20%, M. Def. +20% and Evasion +2 while reducing MP cost for magic skills -50%-60% for a certain period of time 30s. There is a chance of inflicting magical damage on the attacker that attacked the caster. 5min cd, 70mp

Devil's Way - Attacks a target to decrease -10% its M. Atk., Casting Spd., P. Critical Rate, M. Critical Rate, P. Def., M. Def., Spd. and Evasion -6 for a certain period of time 15s. Power 143-170, 20s cd, 70mp

Devil's Final Way - Inflicts damage on a target and enemies around it, and absorbs some 25% of the damage inflicted as HP. In addition, the target's P. Def., M. Atk., Casting Spd., M. Def., P. Critical Rate, M. Critical Rate, Spd. are decreased by 8% and Accuracy by -12. Power 114-136, 40s cd, 211mp

Devil's Hands - Resets the duration an abnormal state on a target. 5min cd, 190mp

Ignore Divinity - Removes 1-2 of the target's buffs. 5min cd, 82mp (lolz 5min cd o.O)

Hell Binding - Floats a target into the air and immobilizes it. 2min cd, 70mp

Mass Hell Binding - Floats a target and enemies around it into the air and immobilizes them. 5min cd, 228mp

Death Fear - Strikes Fear into the heart of an enemy for a certain period of time 10s and causes it to flee. Enemies struck with Fear move more slowly -40%-70%. 60s cd, 70mp

Mass Death Fear - Strikes Fear into the hearts of a target and the enemies around it for a certain period of time 10s and causes them to flee. Enemies struck with Fear move more slowly -25%-60%. 2min cd, 211mp

Magical Evasion - Attacks nearby enemies to Stun them and cancel their targeting, while the caster teleports to the rear. Power 121-145, 15s cd, 70mp

Magical Charge - Attacks nearby enemies to Stun them and cancel their targeting, while the caster teleports to the front. Power 121-145, 15s cd, 70mp

Shadow Hell - Drags enemies around a target toward it. 15s cd, 238mp

Air Rider - Increases Spd. +60-90 for a certain period of time 15s. 30s cd, 7mp

Ultimate Body To Mind - Consumes own HP 384-436 to restore MP 400-547. 2 min cd

Arcane Barrier - Reduces the damage received 80%and absorbs the rest by consuming MP for a certain period of time 20s. The skill expires when the remaining MP falls below a certain amount. Also, some of the damage received is returned to the attacker 10%. 200s cd, 70mp

Hell Road - Inflicts magical damage on an enemy, as well as burning it and striking it with Fear. Power 1212, 10min cd, 498mp (BooM head shoot)

Hell Gate - Inflicts magical damage on a target and enemies around it, as well as burning them and striking them with Fear. Power 956, 10min cd, 1620mp (Boom AoE head shoot)

Double Stance - Increases M. Atk. and M. Critical Rate, and Cast elemental magic skills with both hands, reduces the MP -50%-80% cost and reuse time for magic skills by 5%-20%  for a certain period of time 30s. 3min cd, 210mp

Ultimate Invocation - Cancels Poison/Bleed/Hold/Incapacitated effects, and makes the caster invincible for a certain period of time during which HP/MP are quickly restored. 2min cd, 73mp
« Ostatnia zmiana: Październik 10, 2011, 08:37:11 pm wysłana przez Nehem »
... gram w wowa na Burning Onion ^_^

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Odp: Goddess of Destruction - Skills (z statystykami!)
« Odpowiedź #8 dnia: Październik 11, 2011, 01:15:24 am »
Wynn Summoner

Superior Weapon Mastery - Increases INT +2, P. Atk. +82.9 , M. Atk. +103.7, and Casting Spd. +23% Also increases M. Atk. +6%, M. Critical Rate +6%, and reduces the MP -6% cost for magic skills. Increases M. Atk. +5% and MP Recovery +20% when equipped with a Sigil. The skill's reuse time resets or duration increases according to the character's INT.

Superior Robe Mastery - Increases INT +2, P. Def. +135 and Casting Spd. +5% when equipped with robes.

Superior Magic Mastery - Increases INT +2, M. Def. +139 and resistance to magic attacks -35%. Increases Max MP +313, HP/MP Recovery bonuses +25%, and reduces the reuse time for magic skills -25%.

Superior Summon Mastery - Increases INT +2 and enables the caster to summon a servitor within a certain distance of a summoning point. The servitor's battle skills increase when the caster suffers damage.

Superior Spirit Mastery - Increases INT +2 and resistances +30 to Hold/Sleep/Bleed/Mental/Poison attacks.

Superior Resistance - Increases INT +2, M. Def. +199, and resistances to the four major elements +20. Increases M. Def. and elemental Def. temporarily when the caster suffers damage.

Superior Light Armor Mastery - Increases INT +2 and also P. Def. +132 when equipped with light armor.

Summon Cute Bear - Summons a cute bear from the Fairy Plane. 5s cd, 351mp

Summon Saber Tooth Cougar - Summons a dauntless cougar from the Beast Plane. 5s cd, 351mp

Summon Grim Reaper - Summons a notorious Grim Reaper from the Demon Plane. 5s cd, 351mp

Mark of Weakness - Weakens a target for a certain period of time 10s to reduce 269-294 HP every second, and carves a mark on the target, which increases vulnerability to debuffs 5%-30%.30s cd, 48mp

Mark of Void - Carves a mark that is linked to the Dimension of Void on a target to reduce its 336-363 HP every second, and to drain some of its energy to restore the HP/MP of the caster and servitor. 60s cd, 19mp

Mark of Plague - Carves a mark that is linked to the Epidemic Dimension on a target to infect it with a plague, which reduces its 370-404 HP every second and the amount of healing it receives -15%. 30s cd, 48mp

Mark of Trick - Carves a mark that is linked to the Dimension of Trickery on a target to reduce its 303-328 HP every second and cause every skill it uses to fail. 30scd, 48mp

Convoke - Calls forth a servitor from another world that boosts the caster's M. Atk., inflicting great damage on a target and those nearby. Power 147-172, 15s cd, 227mp

Strong Will - Consumes own 400 HP to restore MP 200-230. Removes any debuffs on the caster and releases the caster from an immobilized state. 60s cd

Summon Team Mate - Summons a selected party member to where the caster is. 60s cd, 71mp

Summon Death Gate - Summons a Death Gate. The summoned Death Gate immobilizes all enemies around the caster and inflicts damage on them. 10min cd, 94mp

Spirit of the Nabiarov - The caster becomes infused with the spirit of the powerful Nabiarov 5min-10min, and can use the abilities of the Dimensionalist. 60min cd, 70mp

Summon Avenging Cubic - Summons an Avenging Cubic. The summoned cubic removes all debuffs on the caster while removing all buffs from the summoner's target, as well as immobilizing it. 60s cd, 70mp

Final Transfer Pain - Transfers some of the damage received 70%-75% by the caster to the first servitor summoned. Toogle skill

Mark Retriever - Retrieves the Mark of Weakness, Mark of Plague, and Mark of Trick carved on a target and inflicts damage according to the number of marks retrieved. 15s cd, 74mp

Replace - Switches the places of the caster and the selected servitor. 60s cd, 97mp

Exile - Banishes a target to another dimension. The exiled target becomes incapacitated and rendered immune to all normal attacks, skills and debuffs, and loses 353-395 HP every second. 60s cd, 78mp

Summon Barrier - The caster receives energy from a servitor and becomes invincible. Also, HP Recovery bonus is increased while the skill is in effect. Can be used when a servitor is available. 5min cd, 78mp

Dimension Bounding - Binds a target to another dimension and leaves it immobilized in the air. 5min cd, 90mp

Final Servitor Share - Transfers some of the caster's P. Atk. 60%-70% / P. Def. 60%-70% / M. Atk. 60%-70% / M. Def. 30%-40% / Max HP 15% / Max MP 15% / Critical Rate 30% / Atk. Spd. 10% / Casting Spd. 3% to a servitor for a certain period of time 30min. 60s cd, 77mp

Mass Exile - Banishes a number of enemies around a target to another dimension. The exiled targets become incapacitated and rendered immune to all normal attacks, skills and debuffs, and lose 282-322 HP every second. 5min cd, 102mp

Blessing of the Giants - The caster becomes infused with the spirit of an ancient Giant to increase a servitor's combat abilities Max MP +20%, HP regen +20%, +20 spell critical chance, critical power +20%, P.Atk. +10%, P.Def. +20%, Atk.Spd. +20%, M.Def. +20%, C.Spd. +20%, 10% debuff resist, -30% critical damage recived, Mov.Spd -15%-30% significantly for a certain period of time 30min.

Mana Sharing - Consumes own MP to restore the MP of party members. 2min cd, 1400mp

Mark of Fire - Carves a mark on a target that has been materialized by boosting M. Atk. to inflict damage. Power 168-199, 5s cd, 63mp

Servitor Balance Life - Equalizes the HP of the caster and all summoned servitors. 30s cd, 63mp

Servitor Major Heal - Recovers a servitor's 1488-1570 HP. 3s cd, 70mp

Mass Servitor Magic Shield - Increases the M. Def. +30% of all servitors for a certain period of time 30min. 10s cd, 70mp

Mass Servitor Haste - Increases the Atk. Spd. +34% of all servitors for a certain period of time 30min. 10s cd, 70mp

Mass Servitor Shield - Increases the P. Def. +15% of all servitors for a certain period of time 30min. 10s cd, 70mp

Mass Servitor Empower - Increases the M. Atk. +79% of all servitors for a certain period of time 30min. 10s cd, 70mp

Mass Servitor Might - Increases the P. Atk. +17% of all servitors for a certain period of time 30min. 10s cd, 70mp

Mass Servitor Wind Walk - Increases the Spd. +34 of all servitors for a certain period of time 30min. 10s cd, 70mp

Mass Servitor Blessing - Removes all debuffs from all servitors. 30s cd, 70mp

Mass Servitor Ultimate Defense - Increases the P. Def. +4680 and M. Def. +4212 of all servitors for a certain period of time 60s. 15min cd, 70mp

Summon Soul Shot - There is a chance 80% of summoning 1900 Beast Soulshots and 20% summoning 380 Blessed Beast Spiritshots - 1R crystal. 60s cd
« Ostatnia zmiana: Październik 11, 2011, 01:22:17 am wysłana przez Nehem »
... gram w wowa na Burning Onion ^_^

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Odp: Goddess of Destruction - Skills (z statystykami!)
« Odpowiedź #9 dnia: Październik 11, 2011, 02:03:34 pm »
Aeore Healer

Superior Magic Weapon Mastery - Increases INT +2, M. Atk. +103 and P. Atk. +82 The skill's reuse time resets or duration increases according to the character's INT.

Superior Armor Mastery - Increases INT +2 and also P. Def. +109 and HP +2.8 / MP +3.6 Recovery bonuses when equipped with robes or light armor.

Superior Sigil Mastery - Increases INT +2 and also MP Recovery bonus +20 (probably +20%) and the power of recovery skills +40 when equipped with a Sigil.

Superior Casting Mastery - Increases INT +2, Max MP +313 and Casting Spd. +23%, decreases the MP cost for magic skills -15% and cooldown by 25%.

Superior Anti Magic - Increases INT +2 and M. Def. +139, with a certain chance of M. Def. and elemental defense increasing further for a certain period of time 10s when the character is attacked.

Superior Elemental Protection - Increases INT +2 and resistances to the four major elements +20.

Superior Trait Resistance - Increases INT +2 and resistances +20 to Hold/Sleep/Paralyze/Mental/Poison/Bleed/Shock attacks, and reflects abnormal physical or magical states to an enemy (20% ? chance).

Crystal Form - Turns voluntarily into an immobile crystal that is immune to all attacks and debuffs for a certain period of time 10s, and recovers 266-285 HP and 74-84 MP every second while the spell lasts. 5min cd, 73mp

Dark Force - Inflicts damage on a target with boosted M. Atk., with a certain chance of pushing the target back. Power 95-113, 4s cd, 87mp

Sustain -  Increases the effect of recovery spells 10%-30% for a certain period of time 15s. This skill is stackable. Power 172-176, 1s cd, 53mp

Fairy of Life - Summons a fairy that follows a target around and restores its HP for a certain period of time. There is also a chance of the fairy restoring the target's HP when the target receives damage. 15d cd, 43mp

 Radiant Heal - Restores a target's HP with boosted M. Atk. and uses any remaining magic to restore CP.

Rejuvenating Heal - Restores a target's HP with boosted M. Atk. and uses any remaining magic to restore CP.

Brilliant Heal - Restores the HP 1191-1261 of the caster and nearby party members with boosted M. Atk., and uses any remaining magic to restore CP. 5s cd, 271mp

Recharge Heal - Restores a selected target's 166-187 MP instantly according to its level, and also restores 12-13 MP every second for a certain period of time 10s. Ineffective on targets that have obtained the Recharge effect. 3s cd, 183mp-207mp

Balance Heal - Equalizes the HP of all party members and restores 333 HP every second for a certain period of time 15s. 20s cd, 178mp

Radiant Purge - Removes all debuffs from a target. 3s cd, 35mp

Brilliant Purge - Removes all debuffs from all targets and renders them immune to debuffs for a certain period of time. 60s cd, 70mp

Dark Blast - Inflicts damage on a target with boosted M. Atk. and lowers its aggression toward the caster. Power 128-154, 4s cd, 70mp

Dark Circle - Inflicts damage on a target and the enemies around it with boosted M. Atk., and lowers their aggression toward the caster. Power 117-139, 15s cd, 423mp

Rebirth - Completely restores the HP/MP/CP of all party members with a certain a chance of removing debuffs from party members. 10min cd, 66mp

Intense Healing - Performs an ancient secret technique of the Giants to increase the caster's P. Def. +1000-2500, M. Def. +1000-2500 and the effect of recovery skills +1000-2500 for 15s. 15min cd, 17mp

Summon Tree of Life - Summons a Tree of Life. The summoned Tree of Life restores the HP of party members near the tree and casts blessings that remove debuffs from them for 30s. 10s cd, 185mp

 Teleport - Teleports to a summoned object. The skill cannot be used when out of range.

Summon Rumi - Summons a flower boy formed of light. 10s cd, 96mp

Reset - Resets the duration of all abnormal states active on a target. 60s cd, 0mp

Party Recall - Teleports party members to a town. This skill cannot be used in designated places such as the GM Consultation Service. 150s cd, 91mp

Dark Rain - Inflicts neutral damage on nearby enemies with boosted M. Atk., and lowers their aggression toward the caster. Power 102-122, 7s cd, 282mp

Progressive Heal - Restores 40% HP the most seriously hurt allies around a target. Amount of healing decreases as the seriousness of injury lessens. 5s cd, 194mp

Celestial Protection - Makes a selected party member invincible for a certain period of time. 2min cd, 17mp

Celestial Party Protection - Makes all party members invincible for a certain period of time. 2min cd, 36mp

Dissolve - Increases Spd. +100 and removes the aggression of nearby enemies toward to the caster. 5min cd, 10mp

Blessed Resurrection - Resurrects a dead party member, restores 85%-100% of Exp. 30s cd, 35mp (haha BSOR with legs)

Party Resurrection - Resurrects all dead party members, restores 80%-100% of Exp. 10min cd, 133mp

Power of Saha - Increases the P.Atk. +17%, P. Def. +15% M. Atk. +79% and M. Def. +30% of a selected target for a certain period of time 30min. 0s cd, 17mp

Critical of Saha - Increases the P. Critical Rate +32% , P. Critical Damage +35% and M. Critical Rate +20 of a selected target and reduces its MP cost for physical -20% and magic skills -10% for a certain period of time 30min. 0s cd, 17mp

Force of Saha - Increases the Atk. Spd. +34% and Casting Spd. +31% of a selected target and gives it the Vampiric Rage effect  9% for a certain period of time 30min. 0s cd, 17mp
Speed of Saha - Increases the P. Accuracy +5, P. Evasion +5, M. Evasion +5 and Spd. +34 of a selected target and reduces the critical damage it receives -30% for a certain period of time 30min. 0s cd, 17mp

Resistance of Saha - Increases resistances to Shock +40% , Poison +50%, Holy and Dark attacks +30 for a certain period of time 30min. 0s cd, 17mp

Clarity of Saha - Reduces the MP cost -? for skills for a certain period of time 30min. 0s cd, 17mp

Aeore Force - Increases the M. Atk. +6% of all party members who are not Aeore Healers, and increases the P. Atk. +6% of party members equipped with a bow/crossbow.

Laksis Disc - Directly manipulates the power of light to heal allies nearby and inflict damage on enemies. Consumes MP continuously. Toogle skill

Dark Backfire - Increases a target's skill +50%-300% MP costs and lowers its Casting Spd. -20% for a certain period of time 30s. 30s cd, 35mp

Mark of Rumi - Carves a mark on a target that reduces its P. Def. -10%-25% and M. Def. -10%-25% and lowers its 113-134 HP every second for a certain period of time. 4s cd, 40mp

Fatal Sleep - Puts a target to sleep for a certain period of time 20s, and when the target wakes up its Atk. Spd. / Casting Spd. / Spd. are decreased -50% . 30s cd, 26mp

Dark Devour - Reduces the effect of healing received by a target -50%-70%. 30s cd, 35mp

Frantic Healing - Increases Casting Spd. +30%-50% as well as the MP cost for skills +30%-50%. Toogle skill
« Ostatnia zmiana: Październik 11, 2011, 03:44:59 pm wysłana przez Nehem »
... gram w wowa na Burning Onion ^_^

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Odp: Goddess of Destruction - Skills (z statystykami!)
« Odpowiedź #10 dnia: Październik 11, 2011, 10:59:09 pm »
Iss Enchanter

 Superior Dual Weapon Mastery - Increases P. Atk. +235 , M. Atk. +104 and Spd. +10% when using dual swords or dual blunt weapons, with a certain chance of the power of physical skills and critical rate increasing when attacking. The skill's reuse time resets or duration increases according to the character's STR.
 Superior Robe Mastery - Increases P. Def. +91 when equipped with robes.
 Superior Light Armor Mastery - Increases P. Def. +73 and MP Recovery bonus +25% when equipped with light armor.
 Superior Heavy Armor Mastery - Increases P. Def. +73 when equipped with heavy armor.
 Superior Anti Magic - Increases M. Def. +139 and resistance to magic attacks +35%, with a certain chance of M. Def. and elemental Def. further increasing temporarily when the character receives damage.
Superior HP Boost - Increases STR +2 and Max HP +336.
Superior MP Boost - Increases STR +2 and Max MP +313.
 Superior HP Recovery - Increases STR +2 and HP Recovery bonus +2.8.
 Superior Quick Recovery - Increases STR +2 and reduces the reuse time for magic skills -25%.
 Superior Steal Mana - There is a chance of recovering MP when attacking normally while equipped with dual swords or dual blunt weapons.
 Superior Resist Attribute - Increases INT +2 and resistances +30 to Hold/Sleep/Mental/Poison/Blood attacks.
 Superior Divine Lore - Decreases MP cost for magic skills -6%.
 Superior Focus Mind - Increases STR +2 and MP Recovery bonus +8.4.
 Superior Sixth Sense - Increases STR +2 and also Evasion +17 when the character's HP is below a certain amount 30%.
 Superior Fast Spell Casting - Increases Casting Spd +15%.
Assault Rush - Rushes at a target and Shocks it for a certain period of time. Requires dual swords or dual blunt weapons to be equipped. 10s cd, 38mp

Death Strike - Attacks a target with boosted P. Atk. Requires dual swords or dual blunt weapons to be equipped. Power 14326-20727, 7s cd, 73mp

Burning Stop - Attacks a target and enemies around it with boosted P. Atk., and reduces the target's P. Def. -30% , M. Def. -30% and P. Evasion -10 for a certain period of time 5s. Requires dual swords or dual blunt weapons to be equipped. Power 10263-14849, 10s cd, 130mp

Storm Break - Attacks a target and enemies around it with boosted P. Atk. Requires dual swords or dual blunt weapons to be equipped. Power 11722-17342, 15s cd, 146mp

Final Cancel - There is a chance of canceling any buffs on a target. 5min cd, 70mp

Quick Recall - Teleports to a town. This skill cannot be used in designated places such as the GM Consultation Service. 75s cd, 60mp

Angel's Resurrection - Resurrects a dead target restores 20% of Exp. 30s cd, 60mp

Healing Melody - Restores a target and allies around it, starting from the one with the lowest HP. The amount of HP restored decreases with each ally healed that way. 5s cd, 194mp

Recovery Melody - Restores a target's 1000 CP. 5s cd, 120mp

Horn Melody - Increases the P.Atk. +17%, P. Def. +15% M. Atk. +79% and M. Def. +30% of a party member for a certain period of time 30min. Requires dual swords or dual blunt weapons to be equipped. 2s cd, 140mp

Drum Melody - Increases the Max MP +20%, HP Recovery bonus +20%, M. Critical Rate +20, Critical Damage +20% during a normal attack, P. Atk. +10%, P. Def. +20%, Atk. Spd. +20%, M. Atk. +20%, M. Def. +20%, Casting Spd. +20%, debuff resistance +20%, and defense against a critical attack +10% (?) of a party member for a certain period of time 30min. It also reduces a target's Spd. -15%-0%, and when the party member receives damage exceeding a certain amount, the party member deals greater critical damage during normal attacks if equipped with a melee weapon. 2s cd, 140mp

Pipe Organ Melody - Increases the Max HP +37%-43%, Max MP +37%-43%, Max CP +37-43% and HP Recovery bonus +20% of a party member for a certain period of time 30min. 2s cd, 140mp

Guitar Melody - Increases the P. Critical Rate +32%-38%, P. Critical Damage +35% and M. Critical Rate +20 of a party member, and reduces the party member's MP cost for physical -20% and magical skills -10%, as well as enchanting skills of Iss Enchanters -20% for 30min. 2 s cd, 140mp

Harp Melody - Increases the P. Accuracy +5-8, P. Evasion +5-8, M. Evasion +5-8 and Spd. +34-37 of a party member and reduces -30% the critical damage the party member receives for a certain period of time 30min. 2s cd, 140mp

Lute Melody - Increases the Atk. Spd +34%-37%. and Casting Spd. +31%-34$ of a party member and gives it Vampiric Rage effect 9% for a certain period of time 30min. 2s cd, 140mp

Knight's Harmony - Increases the P.Atk. +12%, P. Def. +45% Shield Defense Rate +30%, Shield P. Def. +50% , P. Critical Damage +35% and P. Critical Rate +100% of a selected party member for a certain period of time 30min. 2s cd, 140mp

Warrior's Harmony - Increases the P.Atk. +35%, M. Atk. +(?) , Atk. Spd. +16%, Casting Spd. +8%, P. Critical Damage +35%, P. Critical Rate +100% and Spd. 8 of a selected party member for a certain period of time, while reducing the party member's M. Def. -16%, P. Def. -8% and P. Evasion -4. 2s cd, 140mp

Wizard's Harmony - Increases the P.Atk. +8%, M. Atk. +40%, Atk. Spd. +8%, Casting Spd. +8%, M. Def. +14%, M. Critical Rate +100% (yes %), MP Recovery bonus +20% and Spd. +8 of a selected party member for a certain period of time 30min, while reducing the party member's P. Def. -8%, P. Evasion -4, MP cost for magic skills -15% and physical skills -5%, and reuse time for skills -20%. 2s cd, 140mp

Combat Sonata - Increases the Atk. Spd. +15%, Casting Spd. +30%, Max HP +30%, MP Recovery bonus +20% and Spd. +? of a party member for a certain period of time 5min, while reducing the party member's MP cost for magic skills -10% and the chance of magic getting canceled while casting. 2s cd, 140mp

Celerity Sonata - Increases the P.Atk. +8%, M. Atk. +16%, Atk. Spd. +?, Casting Spd. +? and Spd. +? of a party member for a certain period of time 5min, while reducing the party member's P. Def. -?, M. Def. -? and P. Evasion. -4 Additionally, it gives the member the Vampiric Rage effect +8%, and the member also returns any melee damage received to the attacker 10%. 2s cd, 140mp
« Ostatnia zmiana: Październik 13, 2011, 07:37:58 pm wysłana przez Saladin »
... gram w wowa na Burning Onion ^_^

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  • Fluttershy <3
Odp: Goddess of Destruction - Skills (z statystykami!)
« Odpowiedź #11 dnia: Październik 13, 2011, 11:06:23 am »
Blood Requiem - Gives a party member a Vampiric Rage effect 80% for a certain period of time 15s. 5min cd, 342mp

Reorganization - Modifies the caster and nearby party members for a certain period of time 30s to increase P. Def. +2000-4000, M. Def. +2000-4000 and Spd. +44, while decreasing P. Atk. -80% and M. Attack. -80%. 15min cd, 330mp

Angel's Hands - A selected party member becomes immune to debuffs for a certain period of time 7s-15s. 60s cd, 70mp

Battle Rhapsody - Increases the P.Atk. +100%, M. Atk. +100%, Atk. Spd. +100% and Casting Spd. +100% of all party members for a certain period of time 30s. 10min cd, 916mp

Crazy Nocturne - decrease -50% the reuse time for physical and magical skills for a party member for a certain period of time 10s. 10min cd, 1032mp

Final Invincibility - Makes all party members invincible for a certain period of time 30s. 30min cd, 423mp

Devil's Movement - Protects all party members from pre-emptive attacks from monsters and decreases their Spd -35%. for a certain period of time 2min. 3s cd, 60mp

Elemental Protection - Increases a target's resistances +30 to Fire, Water, Wind and Earth attacks for a certain period of time 30min. 2s cd, 140mp

Divine Protection - Increases a target's resistances to Poison +50, Bleed +50, Holy +30 and Dark +30 attacks for a certain period of time 30min. 2s cd, 140mp

Mental Protection - Increases a target's resistances +30 to Hold / Sleep / Abnormal Mental states and debuffs +20 for a certain period of time 30min. 2s cd, 140mp

Assault Rush - Attacks a target with boosted P. Atk., and reduces its P. Def. -30%, M. Def. -30% and P. Evasion -10 for a certain period of time 5s. Requires dual swords or dual blunt weapons to be equipped. Power 8268-12020, 7s cd, 46mp

Shadow Blade - Attacks a target with boosted P. Atk., and reduces its P. Atk -30% and M. Atk. -30% for a certain period of time 5s. Requires dual swords or dual blunt weapons to be equipped. Power 9133-13582, 7s cd, 50mp

Transform - Modifies a target for a certain period of time 15s to reduce its Spd. -20%-80% and render it incapable of attacking. 60s cd, 126mp

Petrify - Turns a target to stone for a certain period of time 15s. 2min cd, 70mp

Cute Pig - Transforms the caster into a cute pig for a certain period of time 15s to increase P. Def.+3000-4500, M. Def. +3000-4500 and Spd. +30%-60%. 60s cd, 70mp

Polymorph - Turns the caster to stone for a certain period of time to remove the aggression of nearby enemies toward the caster and cancel their targeting. Spd. decreases severely while transformed. 60s cd, 70mp

Chaos Symphony - Inflicts damage on a target and enemies around it, and reduces their P. Atk. -50%, P. Def. -50%, M. Atk. -50%, M. Def. -50% and Spd. -50% for a certain period of time 10s. Requires dual swords or dual blunt weapons to be equipped. Power 13629, 10min cd, 1003mp

Final Scourge - Blocks the natural HP recovery of enemies near the caster for a certain period of time. 2min cd, 423mp

Final Oblivion - Cancels the targeting of all enemies near the caster. 2min cd, 423mp

Final Suspension - Increases the physical/magic skill reuse time +200% of nearby enemies for a certain period of time 2min. 2min cd, 423mp

Giant Root - Binds an enemy with Hold for a certain period of time 15s. 60s cd, 126mp
... gram w wowa na Burning Onion ^_^

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Odp: Goddess of Destruction - Skills (z statystykami!)
« Odpowiedź #12 dnia: Październik 13, 2011, 10:40:18 pm »
Błąd w opisie skilla "Dark Backfire" u healera. Nie obniża tylko cast speeda, ale i atack speed o tą samą wartość.
Alarion - EdgeWalker   {Amber} Party Leader
ArcheAge  Server: Kyprosa! / West side

Cat Drama Maker

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Odp: Goddess of Destruction - Skills (z statystykami!)
« Odpowiedź #13 dnia: Październik 13, 2011, 10:46:39 pm »
co Wy na to, żeby w tym temacie dzielić się spostrzeżeniami na temat poszczególnych skilli?
np. Devil's Movement od enchantera działa jak shadow przez określony czas, jednak też do chwili uderzenia moba
W Amber party, jego członkowie pytają się alariona czy mogą dostać passy na shogala zamiast zapytać shogala  :D

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Odp: Goddess of Destruction - Skills (z statystykami!)
« Odpowiedź #14 dnia: Październik 14, 2011, 02:31:24 am »
co więcej, można tego skilla kasować (czego BD nie mógł) i wystarczy, że uderzy 1 osoba z party i buff znika wszystkim.
Alarion - EdgeWalker   {Amber} Party Leader
ArcheAge  Server: Kyprosa! / West side

Cat Drama Maker

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  • Titan
Odp: Goddess of Destruction - Skills (z statystykami!)
« Odpowiedź #15 dnia: Październik 14, 2011, 10:03:45 am »
Może nie każdy doczyta, ale nowy limit u warriora (berserk) ma niestety wbudowany 20% VR :(

Berserker Rage - Pushing the body to the limit increases Debuff Resistance ? / Spd. ? / P. Atk. ? / P. Accuracy ? / Atk. Spd. ? / Critical Damage ?, and restores the character's HP 20% when an enemy is dead.

W związku z tym w PvE oplaca się to odpalać tylko na epikach lub mobkach z dużą ilością hp. Testowałem to na słabych mobkach i mob padał po 2-3 hitach ale leczył 1/3 hp co z kolei znosiło bonus limitów ;/

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Odp: Goddess of Destruction - Skills (z statystykami!)
« Odpowiedź #16 dnia: Październik 14, 2011, 11:50:40 am »
Berka mozna o kant dupy obic to nie to samo co zealot(chodzi o regularty)
Gozbar - Archer 89
Gozz - Warrior - 87
Morfeusz - Enchanter - 87

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Odp: Goddess of Destruction - Skills (z statystykami!)
« Odpowiedź #17 dnia: Październik 14, 2011, 02:16:27 pm »

Na samym dole stronki koledzy z Korei wypisali dokładne bonusy, jakie daje Berserk buff. Z tego co tam jest napisane to dodaje on AŻ 10% do Crit. Dmg. bez względu na to jaką broń mamy założoną. Dodatkowo zastanawiające jest, że kolejne lvle tegoż skilla zwiększają jedynie P.Atk. i to o stałą wartość.

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Odp: Goddess of Destruction - Skills (z statystykami!)
« Odpowiedź #18 dnia: Październik 16, 2011, 09:02:08 pm »
Słyszałem, że holy w broni wpływa teraz na siłę heala. Prawda to? Jeśli tak to o ile mniej więcej?
Specnaz team
Naver - Aeore Healer 85+

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Odp: Goddess of Destruction - Skills (z statystykami!)
« Odpowiedź #19 dnia: Październik 17, 2011, 12:08:36 am »
raczej fake. Skoro healer może enchnatować (tylko nie na 85, za to kilka lvli później) swoje skille ofensywne, na holy/dark, to jaki sens miałby enchant na dark atack?

M atack na pewno w znacznym stopniu (nie jak kiedyś) wpływa na siłę heal'a, dlatego nie można już mówić, że EE>>SE jako healer.

Teraz albo szybszy cast i częstsze trochę cryty z heal'a (light elf)  albo mocniejszy heal (w tym również z krytyka) SE.
Alarion - EdgeWalker   {Amber} Party Leader
ArcheAge  Server: Kyprosa! / West side

Cat Drama Maker

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  • a.k.a. Darth
Odp: Goddess of Destruction - Skills (z statystykami!)
« Odpowiedź #20 dnia: Październik 17, 2011, 04:20:29 pm »
potrzac po skilach rasowych to teraz wiekszosc party bedzie w swoim skladzie miala wiecej niz polowe elf/dark elf - czyli kronika elfów :)

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Odp: Goddess of Destruction - Skills (z statystykami!)
« Odpowiedź #21 dnia: Październik 18, 2011, 10:02:09 pm »
z elfów warriora nie zrobisz :) (chyba ze o czyms nie wiem)

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Odp: Goddess of Destruction - Skills (z statystykami!)
« Odpowiedź #22 dnia: Październik 19, 2011, 07:44:41 am »
Jak w dniu wejścia GoDa będzie miał min 76 lvl i 3cia profkę to zrobi. Nawet z krasia zrobi mystica (nukera/helaera/enchantera) :)

Piszę poprawnie po polsku
Official/Retail NA serv.Hindemith->Phoenix->Chronos-> Naia
Heallweg Iss Enchanter 99 /Siegel Knight 99 /ElementalSummoner80/ HawkEye80  - Clan: Einheit (Nova) Ally: Twilight
Ponadto: Feoh; Aeore; Yul;

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Odp: Goddess of Destruction - Skills (z statystykami!)
« Odpowiedź #23 dnia: Październik 21, 2011, 03:10:15 pm »
Grał ktoś tankiem? Ten jego summon wali tylko z aa czy ma jakieś skille?

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Odp: Goddess of Destruction - Skills (z statystykami!)
« Odpowiedź #24 dnia: Październik 23, 2011, 02:15:21 pm »
Pozwoliłem sobie przetłumaczyć skille gdyby ktoś był zbyt leniwy zeby po angielsku czytać :P na razie rasowe, następne bd dodawał po przetlumaczeniu

Aim - zwiększa Accuracy i zmniejsza szansę na otrzymanie krytyka o 3%
Mental Fortress - podnosi M Def o 18, P Atk o 31 i M Atk o 32
Fitness - zwiększa regeneracje HP i MP o 1
Unbind - usuwa debuffy i uodparnia na nie na czas 10s

Swiftness - zwiększa Atk Spd o 4, Cst Spd o 3 i Speed o 13 gdy nie jesteśmy w combacie
Water Blessing - podnosi Water Atc o 10 Water Resist o 10 i bonus regeneracji MP +2
Delicacy - zwiększa szanse na fizycznego cryta o 15 i magicznego cryta  o 10
Prevision - zwiększa fizyczne i magiczne Evasion o 30 na czas 15 sekund

Dark Elf
Dark Presence - podnosi STR i INT o 1 w nocy
Wind Blessing - zwiększa Wind Atc o 10 i Wind Resist o 10
Life Siphon - 1% DMG zadanego przeciwnikom wraca do gracza jako HP
Disparition - usuwa wszystkie debuffy i nie pozwala Cie stargetować przez 5 sekund
Sharpness - zwiększa fizyczny Crt Power i magiczny Crt Dmg o 208

Fire Blessing - zwiększa Fire Atc o 10 i Fire Resist o 10
Energetic - zwiększa regeneracje HP o 3
Undying Will - gdy HP gracza spadnie do 20%, stanie się on odporny na DMG na 5 sekund. Skill nie zadziała ponownie przez 5 minut
Savage - zwiększa Atc Spd o 17%, Earth Blessing -zmniejsza P Def o 15% na czas 60 sekund

Dexterity - Zwiększa power skilli ofensywnych o 2%
Earth Blessing - zwiększa Earth Atc o 10 i Earth Resist o 10
Earth Tremor - Wstrząsa ziemią przewracając przeciwników na 3 sekundy

Battle Instinct - zwiększa DMG podczas PVP o 1% i zmniejsza koszt MP skilli o 5%
Dark Blessing - zwiększa Dark Atk o 10, dark Resist o 10, Silence Resist o 20 i Fear Resist o 20
Soul Protection - zwiększa odporność na debuffy o 100% na czas 20 sekund
Body Reinforcement - transformacja w formę bijącą na 5 minut
Flying Body Reinforcement - transformacja w formę latająco-bijącą na określony okres czasu

ciąg dalszy nastąpi o ile mnie nie sflejmujecie :P
« Ostatnia zmiana: Październik 30, 2011, 08:24:15 pm wysłana przez Don007 »